Instrumentation and Control

A Prototype Intermittent Pneumatic Graduated Compression Boot for the Treatment of Venous Ulcers

Instrumentation and Control

We integrate precision instruments and control systems with medical devices to provide safe and precise care for patients, with enhanced diagnostic capability

As an example, we designed, developed and tested a prototype intermittent pneumatic graduated compressive boot for the treatment of venous ulcers. The device comprises a microcomputer-based controller that regulates the magnitude and frequency of airflow in and out of the cuffs to improve circulation. A customized software and mobile app were developed to control the air pressure at different locations of the foot wirelessly. Significant augmentation of blood flow in the popliteal vein, following the compression cycle, was recorded by a miniature flat 8MHz Doppler probe. The device could provide accessible, versatile and patient-specific treatment for venous ulcers.

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